When you install the latest cumulative update for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (SCCM), it automatically creates 4 new packages for client, server and console updates.
If you forget to clean up after each update, you’ll end up a situation like this:
Unfortunately the SCCM user interface does not support multiselect and delete, so if you want to delete all these packages, you need to walk through the delete wizard for each package.
That is both extremely boring but also takes a lot of time.
So I wrote this little PowerShell script that will delete all post SCCM 2012 CU4 update packages from a Site Server. If you want to confirm each package before you delete them, just remove the “-Force” from each line.
You can download the script from the Microsoft TechNet Gallery right here:
The Configuration Manager Folder after the script has been executed:
Much better