Grab the hotfix from here: Content provided by myITforum. Read the rest: Getting ready to roll out System Center 2012 Configuration Manager? Stay up to date with the available Microsoft KB’s on the topic. Add the RSS Feed to you favorite reader: Also don’t forget to install the KB2552033 hotfix before installing a new CM 2012 Site Server on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Server. Without this hotfix, the server may crash intermittently and result in the following error: STOP: 0x00000044 (parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4) MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTS Get the hotfix here:
Browsing: Hotfix
Microsoft supports the use of the Site Repair Wizard to restore a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 site server from a 32-bit Operating System to a 64-bit Operating System as noted in the article About the Site Repair Wizard ( However, there are two possible issues that may occur on a site server restored in this manner. These issues will only occur if the site server was originally installed to the default Program FilesMicrosoft Configuration Manager directory on the 32-bit Operating System. List of Public KB Articles and Hotfixes for Configuration Manager 2007 SP2:
This is a list of System Center Configuration Manager public hotfixes and KB articles published after Service Pack 2. Note: Some updates are required only under certain circumstances, please read hotfix description before installing them.
One of the challenges with managing drivers in Configuration Manager is related to way drivers are imported into ConfigMgr. Duplicate drivers are ignored by default, so they don’t get put into the specified categories. The System Center Configuration Manager team has made a hotfix available that changes the driver import behavior. The hotfix is available here: I’m not 100% sure if this will change from the way we handle drivers today, but I need to to back to my lab and figure that out…
Keep up to date with the recent KB articles for System Center Configuration Manager 2007 System Center Configuration Manager 2007: System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2: