Deploying Internet Explorer 9.0 using Configuration Manager


If you need to deploy Internet Explorer 9 using the Configuration Manager OSD Task Sequence, this is the command line that you should use:

ie9_package.exe /quiet /norestart /update-no

You should use the /update-no command-line option to prevent the Internet Explorer 9 package from checking for updates. If you do not use the /update-no command-line option, the Internet Explorer 9 package will require an Internet connection during installation.

To uninstall Internet Explorer 9.0 (unattended), run this command twice from an command prompt (cmd.exe) with admin rights:

FORFILES /P %WINDIR%servicingPackages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*9.*.mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart"

this removes the IE9 with the help of the command line. Credits go to Nadine K. (German MS Support Engineer).

All versions of Internet Explorer 9 can be downloaded here:

About Author

My name is Ronni Pedersen and I'm currently working as a Cloud Architect at APENTO in Denmark. My primary focus is Enterprise Client Management solutions, based on technologies like AzureAD, Intune, EMS and System Center Configuration Manager. I'm is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer and Microsoft MVP in Enterprise Mobility.


  1. What’s the proper way to detect this application? I am finding that as I deploy it as an application, it fails to detect because IE9 isn’t actually installed until the machine reboots and does it’s Windows Update configuration.

  2. What’s the proper way to detect this application? I am finding that as I deploy it as an application, it fails to detect because IE9 isn’t actually installed until the machine reboots and does it’s Windows Update configuration.

    I have the same issue, did you find a resolution?

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